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Case Study: Saveto Group

Sales Operations Transformation

Accelerating sales cycle with company wide collaboration.

It used to take around 30 minutes for the order to be logged into the ERP system. Now Saveto Retail Sales can do it in less than 3. In 2022 alone, Trirock helped Saveto to save over 40,000 hours in data entry – and that’s coming from one department!


Discover how our innovative solutions have revolutionized businesses and unlocked their full potential.

- Improved Customer Visibility

Looking at every contact, account, task, event, and personal data related to a lead to get a broad picture of a potential customer before approaching them.


- Optimized Sales Process

Empowering sales managers with a complete visibility over sales activities, pipeline health, and forecast accuracy relative to the actual sales.


- Sustainability Ensured Using Analytics

Allowing management to gain full visibility on business performance indicators, capture deviations, take rectifying actions, and plan sales strategies based on live and accurate market insights.


Transformative Impact

Unlocking Efficiency, Accelerating Growth, and Enhancing Engagement


Order Data Entry Hours Saved


Time spent in market


Client Interface

Saveto Group

 case study image



Construction Material


Sales Cloud

CRM Analytics
